Educator Spotlight

Teacher Store Role Call

The Teacher Store spotlights a local K-12 educator each month in our series called Teacher Store Role Call! We want to recognize the amazing work educators are doing in and out of the classroom to support students and families in the community.


Name: Michele Phillips
School: Clear Creek Elementary; Clear Creek Amana School District
Role in Education: 4th Grade Teacher
Additional Roles or Responsibilities: Our Parent Teacher Group sponsors several events throughout the year and I try to help as much as I can. I also serve on our Building Leadership Team.
How long have you been in education? I graduated from the University of Iowa and completed my Master’s at St. Ambrose University. Throughout the past 27 years I have taught special education as well as fourth grade. I am excited to begin year 28!
Volunteer Roles: I have volunteered with the mobile food pantry and summer lunch programs. Most recently I have been actively involved with the Epilepsy Foundation Iowa.
What is your favorite thing about being an educator? My favorite thing about being an educator is watching students grow academically and socially. I love it when students come back and share their favorite memories from 4th grade.
What are you looking forward to this school year? I’m excited to meet a new group of students this fall. I am looking forward to building relationships and creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Favorite Teacher Store event or memory? The first time I heard about the Teacher Store was during membership training with ISEA. The mobile Teacher Store was invited to my school recently and teachers were able to shop for supplies.
Favorite supply from the Teacher Store and/or favorite school supply item of all time? Colored pens are always at the top of my school supply list.
Hobbies outside of education? I enjoy spending time with my family, playing board games, puzzles, and spending time with my granddaughter.

July Educator Spotlight Featuring Michele Phillips

Nomination Form

Do you know of a K-12 educator in the community who should be featured in our Educator Spotlight series? Fill out the nomination form below: