Educator Spotlight
Teacher Store Role Call
The Teacher Store spotlights a local K-12 educator each month in our series called Teacher Store Role Call! We want to recognize the amazing work educators are doing in and out of the classroom to support students and families in the community.
Name: Jennifer Russell
School: LaSalle Catholic Elementary
Role in Education: 1st Grade Teacher
Additional Roles or Responsibilities: I am on our school Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) team. We plan special events/rewards for students.
How long have you been in education? I have been in education for 26 years. I was a preschool teacher for 20 years and this will be my sixth year as a first grade teacher.
Volunteer Roles: I regularly contribute to school projects within our building, helping with service projects, and making items (with my mom) to donate to our fundraisers. I also use my Cricut to enhance the look of our building.
What is your favorite thing about being an educator? I enjoy watching students find a love of learning, when they find something that was a challenge for them and finally feeling successful.
What are you looking forward to this school year? I am looking forward to learning more about my new students and building a first grade community with them this year.
Favorite school supply item of all time? My favorite school supply is smelly markers.
Hobbies outside of education? I enjoy crafting outside of school. I spend a lot of time making things with my Cricut. I also enjoy reading and spending time with my family.
Nomination Form
Do you know of a K-12 educator in the community who should be featured in our Educator Spotlight series? Fill out the nomination form below: